
Welcome, I’m glad you stopped by.

What can you expect to find here?

A conversation about life I suppose. I talk about trying to live to live life like Christ.

It’s a life of love. Love for everyone. Unabated, unconditional, full and reckless.

It’s a life that engages with the messiness of others. Shares in the fun and the joy but also in the darkness, pain and sorrow we unfortunately all experience. We do life with people, intentionally.

It’s a life of brokenness. We talk about it. Church, societal, personal brokenness. It’s all open here. We are honest and open, even when it’s hard and when we wish it was different.

It’s a life marked by grace and generosity. Placing others first.

It’s a life of action. We actively love. We actively engage with neighbour, colleges, those who are missed. We actively share the grace we know and are generous with all we have. It’s bore out in action not just word.

It’s messy, hard and the most fulfilling thing you may ever do. In all the love, grace and the mess we get to see and share our God.

Check out the tag cloud for topics you might find interesting or go the archive tab to see some of my favourite posts. It’s far from up to date and probably never will be but it’s a good place to look for a certain topic. This might suck and the few post after get at a lot about the basis for what we talk about, but I’ll be honest it’s not for everyone and you may not like where it takes you.

This space has changed and morphed over the years, but if you’ve got time take a look around and hopeful you can see a little of God.

Be blessed,

